10/9/2022 0 Comments October's Hunter's MoonAries is the first sign of the zodiac. There is no other sign that has the initiating power and determination of the ram. The strength and intensity of the full moon this month is big and bold! Emotions can be running hot so be weary of being set off at the littlest thing. Lashing out in anger and being short tempered is not what you truly want to happen so take a moment to center before responding to emails, phone calls, and texts. There is a difference between communicating with anger and delivering your message while standing in your power. You can be confident and direct without being aggressive, combative, and destructive.
Time to decide what stays in your life and what shouldn't. Take back your power. The emotions that arise under this full moon are a great indicator of the life areas you need to work on the most. Clear out your closets, your 1000's of emails, and make those necessary changes. Time to take back your reigns and steer yourself in the best direction for YOU. This moon will help you see what desires, passions, and dreams have gone unmet and will expose your needs once and for all. Time to let go. Time to wake up, warrior. Time to change the inevitable because there will never be a good time to do it. Set it on fire. Watch it burn and then rebuild it the way you want it to be.
10/8/2022 0 Comments EFT- Tapping TechniqueDid you know you can heal yourself? Let me introduce you to my tool kit. I use alternative healing methods to assist me on my healing journey. I now know I can't do it alone and with everything out there, why would you? It's ok to ask for help and it's ok to educate yourself with the possibilities of transforming your life healing past traumas you endured, ease your chronic pain and debilitating injuries, and stress relief. This weeks modality is EFT & the Tapping Solution. EFT, also known as Tapping, is a psychological acupressure. EFT stands for emotional freedom technique and is an alternative treatment that can be used to treat physical pain & emotional distress. My aunt gave me a book a couple years ago and I am finally getting to read it. 'The Tapping Solution for Manifesting your Greatest Self' by Nick Ortner. Per Ortner, 'long after the danger has passed, the nervous system can hold on to trauma.' Tapping allows the body to release endorphins which promotes healing of the physical and emotional body. Just like acupuncture uses needles, tapping uses finger tip tapping to apply the pressure that can give immediate results. "Of all the things trauma takes away from us, the worst is our willingness, or even our ability, to be vulnerable. There's a reclaiming that has to happen." -Brene Brown ![]() What are we tapping? Points located on your Meridians! Meridians are pathways or channels that house life force energy and allows circulation of things beyond the nervous system to travel throughout the entire body. Meridians also known as the energetic highways in the body exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway. Lets get to it!
Once you complete the sequence, check in with the intensity of the problem or situation. 9xs of of 10, it'll be less than when you started. Try doing it daily or if a problem arises, take 5 minutes to 'tap it out'. I am enjoying the book I mentioned earlier as it's a 21- day guide thru tapping and manifesting my greater self which is totally my jam. For me this is just another aide in my tool kit to reach for whenever I am in need. I know that only I can heal myself by using the tools that work for me and by reaching out to my tribe of medicine men and women that I continually tend to collect.
Stay tuned for more modalities monthly! 10/5/2022 0 Comments Alternative Healing ModalitiesI've decided to introduce & highlight an alternative healing modality every month! Not everything is for everyone. If your like me, curiosity takes over and you want to try it all. Personally, I need support and I found that not only was massage therapy by Connie beneficial in healing my physical body but so is acupuncture! And aromatherapy. And NAET by Megumi. You get where I'm going here. So each month, I'll introduce my must haves. And then, I will start trying some new things because there are so many alternative healing modalities out there. Just waiting for us guys. Very exciting! Or spooky because it's October. What are your favorites? This week I will introduce EFT- Tapping Technique and the Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner. Stay tuned yall!
June 2024
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