I've loved her for as long as I can remember. No matter what shape she is, she stops me in my tracks every time. From chasing her down the freeway, with the music blasting and my mom driving; to documenting all the phases on our family video camera, zooming in an out in hopes to catch a glimpse of some life; to always expecting a different outcome as the disposable camera pictures would come back. The Moon has been with me through it all.
I have learned over the years, that I am very sensitive to her phases, like most, full moons in particular. I thought I'd share some of the moon magic I have learned over the years. A couple things I know to be true, there will always be a full moon at least 1x a month. New Moons can be just as powerful and important as the full moon, and as far as the rest, you decide what resonates with you & what is magic.
See below for a preview of what you can get monthly. A monthly moon box is also in the works so stay tuned!
I have learned over the years, that I am very sensitive to her phases, like most, full moons in particular. I thought I'd share some of the moon magic I have learned over the years. A couple things I know to be true, there will always be a full moon at least 1x a month. New Moons can be just as powerful and important as the full moon, and as far as the rest, you decide what resonates with you & what is magic.
See below for a preview of what you can get monthly. A monthly moon box is also in the works so stay tuned!
"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, who monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable." -Romeo & Juliet
"All that is now,
All that is gone,
All that's to come,
and everything under the sun is in tune,
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon."
-Dark Side of the Moon
Pink Floyd
Can you feel it? It's like a flicker of electricity in the air. A tiger is crouching in the brush, getting ready to pounce. What could it be? It's Imbolc, a Celtic holiday anticipating the transition from winter into the spring. In Chinese Astrology, its the Lunar New Year! The year of the tiger! Lastly, its a black new moon. A black new moon means that its the 2nd new moon in the same month. It's a trifecta. A formula that hasn't happened like this in our life time. You ready for a fresh start or a clean slate? Step right up ladies and gents cause opportunities are coming a knockin', Here are a few fun things that can support this new exuberant energy.
Grounding- Bring it down, all the way down. How low can you go? Can you go down low? Fasted way to ground yourself is by Earthing: barefoot and fancy free outside. I know it's cold. Find a spot and move that snow out of the way. You have a patch of grass?! What a dream. Stand there and close your eyes. Want to stay inside where its warm? No problem. There are cool products online like grounding mats, guided meditations, and visualization techniques that can banish all that negativity. Come. Down. To. Earth. Grounding discharges the negative energy in all of your bodies (Body, Mind, & Spirit) which in turn brings you peace, balance, and stress relief. You need to create space for all the good stuff.
Lightworkers, Reiki Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Empaths & anyone else that practices spirituality- Focus on the bottom 3 chakras. Again, you want to ground yourself as the this incredible energy comes in. Creativity is going to be endless. Try to focus on following the bread crumbs and starting, finally starting what you have been waiting for, that book, that project, a new hobby, a lifestyle change (that's what I call a diet/eating right), spiritual practice, etc. Remember, energy flows where your attention goes. Inspiration is knocking loudly and asking for you to strut your stuff, standing with courage, a new found independence, and authenticity.
Imbolc- Light the fire! Bring all the candles out and make an alter or if that's not your thing, create a spot where you put all of your candles. This creates such a nice glow, a warmth that embraces you and your home and everyone in it. If you don't have a fire place, this creates a make shift hearth that provides a welcoming vibe. The embers are finally ignited, allow what is inside to come out. The perfect food to eat should be grounding foods like legumes, grains, freshly baked breads, and as always drink a lot of water.
Grounding- Bring it down, all the way down. How low can you go? Can you go down low? Fasted way to ground yourself is by Earthing: barefoot and fancy free outside. I know it's cold. Find a spot and move that snow out of the way. You have a patch of grass?! What a dream. Stand there and close your eyes. Want to stay inside where its warm? No problem. There are cool products online like grounding mats, guided meditations, and visualization techniques that can banish all that negativity. Come. Down. To. Earth. Grounding discharges the negative energy in all of your bodies (Body, Mind, & Spirit) which in turn brings you peace, balance, and stress relief. You need to create space for all the good stuff.
Lightworkers, Reiki Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Empaths & anyone else that practices spirituality- Focus on the bottom 3 chakras. Again, you want to ground yourself as the this incredible energy comes in. Creativity is going to be endless. Try to focus on following the bread crumbs and starting, finally starting what you have been waiting for, that book, that project, a new hobby, a lifestyle change (that's what I call a diet/eating right), spiritual practice, etc. Remember, energy flows where your attention goes. Inspiration is knocking loudly and asking for you to strut your stuff, standing with courage, a new found independence, and authenticity.
Imbolc- Light the fire! Bring all the candles out and make an alter or if that's not your thing, create a spot where you put all of your candles. This creates such a nice glow, a warmth that embraces you and your home and everyone in it. If you don't have a fire place, this creates a make shift hearth that provides a welcoming vibe. The embers are finally ignited, allow what is inside to come out. The perfect food to eat should be grounding foods like legumes, grains, freshly baked breads, and as always drink a lot of water.
"Most events recorded in history are more remarkable than important, like eclipses of the sun and moon, by which all are attracted, but whose effects no one takes the trouble to calculate."
-Henry David Thoreau
Just what we need... a 'little' Taurean full moon with a side of a partial lunar eclipse. No biggie. Oh and following the 11:11 portal energy flying around? Empaths and sensitives, shield up. Adventure seekers, buckle up. Everyone or anyone reading this, it's very exciting energy so try to plan something a little out of the ordinary this weekend. This will not be your normal boring weekend unless that is your intention.
Fun Facts:
This particular Full moon falls under the zodiac sign Taurus, my sun sign. The last time this happened was 6 years ago. So we are being brought to an ending of a life cycle, according to astrologers. It's time to start a new exciting chapter. Where were you 6 years ago? I know I am no where near where I was, physically or emotionally. Yikes, I prefer moving forward. Onward! Those that are afraid of change, don't worry, all these changes and new beginnings that are around the corner are here for the better. It's time to shed that old skin once and for all. I always like to see what this means for my zodiac sign and I look up my sisters and other friends for fun. Check out my Ruminations page for something new I am trying! I am going to use my trusted divination tools and help from my guides to see what this eclipse and full moon mean for your astrological sign! It will be posted by Friday! Tips for all- Create a mantra. Repeat it all day Friday or start today and keep it going thru the weekend. I can already feel the full moon rising. It's all happening yall!
Coming up: 12/4's Solar Eclipse
Fun Facts:
- A lunar eclipse happens when the moon moves into the Earth's shadow.
- Lunar Eclipses can only occur during a full moon when the sun, moon, and earth are aligned.
- There is usually 3 Lunar Eclipses a year
- According to NASA, Earth will be experiencing 228 lunar eclipses in the 21st century.
- This is the final lunar eclipse of the year.
This particular Full moon falls under the zodiac sign Taurus, my sun sign. The last time this happened was 6 years ago. So we are being brought to an ending of a life cycle, according to astrologers. It's time to start a new exciting chapter. Where were you 6 years ago? I know I am no where near where I was, physically or emotionally. Yikes, I prefer moving forward. Onward! Those that are afraid of change, don't worry, all these changes and new beginnings that are around the corner are here for the better. It's time to shed that old skin once and for all. I always like to see what this means for my zodiac sign and I look up my sisters and other friends for fun. Check out my Ruminations page for something new I am trying! I am going to use my trusted divination tools and help from my guides to see what this eclipse and full moon mean for your astrological sign! It will be posted by Friday! Tips for all- Create a mantra. Repeat it all day Friday or start today and keep it going thru the weekend. I can already feel the full moon rising. It's all happening yall!
Coming up: 12/4's Solar Eclipse
“The magic of autumn has seized the countryside; now that the sun isn’t ripening anything it shines for the sake of the golden age; for the sake of Eden; to please the moon for all I know.”
-Elizabeth Coatsworth
Hunter's Full Moon:
This moon falls in Aries on October 20th and like all full moons, it is a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you. There will be motivation, high emotions, feelings, and reactions. It is time to set those boundaries and give something a chance.
What do you wish to let go of? Is it a particular emotion that has been filling you up and taking up too much space? Do you have a physical ailment that distracts you from moving forward with a project? How about a bad habit you would like to break? Try writing it down on a piece of paper and then burning it during the full moon. Safely please!
This moon falls in Aries on October 20th and like all full moons, it is a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you. There will be motivation, high emotions, feelings, and reactions. It is time to set those boundaries and give something a chance.
What do you wish to let go of? Is it a particular emotion that has been filling you up and taking up too much space? Do you have a physical ailment that distracts you from moving forward with a project? How about a bad habit you would like to break? Try writing it down on a piece of paper and then burning it during the full moon. Safely please!
- Cleansing yourself and your space is important during a full moon. See the recipe for the Autumn Milk Bath. This luxurious blend will soften the skin. While bathing, think about whatever you want to eradicate for good. Breathe deep and exhale it out.
- Use White Sage to cleanse the space, Palo Santo to clear out the negative energy, and use Cedar to promote positive high energy vibes.
- Flowers for this moon are marigolds and chrysanthemums.
- Moon Water: Fill glass container with regular tap water and place outside. Feel free to set an intention (like love, new beginnings, healing, or good luck) before setting it safely under the moonlight. Moon water can be used as an elixir and if I feel a little under the weather I'll add it to my hot tea. I use it on my plants that need a boost. Milo James, my cat, will get a bowl if he needs some mojo.
- Cleanse your crystals~ I add salt to my bowl of water and soak them under the full moon.
- Need a hair cut but want to keep it long?? Long hair ladies & gents, you know what I mean. Getting your hair cut on or close to a full moon is the only time to get your locks trimmed. Something about that gravity does something really scientific.