![]() Massage Therapy has been around for along time but has become more popular in the last 30 years. What used to be a luxury is now a necessity for some. Stress relief is one of the number 1 reasons people get a massage vs treating a physical ailment which says we are finally understanding how stress can wreck havoc on not only one's physical body but also the mental and emotional bodies. The ones that have incorporated massages into their monthly regime are finding they stay ahead of the chronic pain. They find their stress relief is crucial to managing a physical illness. The givers take care of everyone else but take that time to indulge in a massage so they can keep giving and keep helping. Massage Therapy promotes pain relief, stress relief, and gives a recharge that everyone needs. I was an LMT, a Licensed Massage Therapist for a little over 15 years. Please do not call us a 'Masseuse/Masseur'. Massage Therapist is preferred and not gender specific. I have a few tips for you newbies, oldies, or anyone in between. LMT's, I might have a few reminders for you too. For the Receivers~![]() Most people love massages and for those that don't, I always recommend Reiki OR another alternative healing method. As a therapist and practitioner, making the client comfortable is number 1! Getting to know your client and their particular needs should be step 1 and included in introductions. Here are a few tips/facts for the clients from a retired massage therapist. 1. Deep Tissue- You prefer deep tissue only and a lot of pressure and want a full body session for the allotted 45 minutes of your appointment. Not gonna happen. Deep tissue is a fan favorite and trust me, there are some awesome therapists out there that specialize in it! However, the technique uses long, slow strokes and in order to cover the full body, I recommend a minimum of 90 minutes. Be aware some places might charge more $ for Deep Tissue and the reason is because of the intensity and pressure that is applied during the whole massage. Don't have the time or the $? Try asking for DT on your problem area like the shoulders only and then therapeutic everywhere else! Communicate your needs with your therapist! 2. Expectations of healing overnight- I believe in miracles and sometimes my licensed massage therapist can work some serious magic! I also know that we work together so if I ignore my neck until the next time I see her, then the pain and/or injury will surely come back. I can't expect my therapist to cure me in one session. Don't be afraid to ask your therapist for some homework like stretching or an exercise that can assist in opening up the space and allowing the healing to take place. Communicate your needs with your therapist. 3. Ethics- LMT's follow a strict code of ethics when it comes to their profession. If you feel unsafe at any time during the massage, do not hesitate to stop the service right away. Once you have dressed and exited the room, find a manager or if you prefer to leave, give the manager a call when you get home. Your safety is our #1 concern so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, on the other side of the table, we therapists also need to feel safe. We take our job and profession very seriously. It is not ok to make sexual jokes or any inappropriate banter at any time while receiving a massage. 0 tolerance alert. Any therapist giving a massage and feels unsafe or uncomfortable can end the massage and the client will receive no refund. Have respect for this alternative healing method and for your Licensed Massage Therapist. Don't be that guy or gal. For the Givers~![]() 1. You have to take care of yourself. Practice what you preach. Put the O2 mask on first, then assist others. You know what I am saying. Get massages regularly and try all the modalities. You can never stop learning. The more experiences you have with alternative healing methods, the more you can learn about healing yourself and learn how to assist your clients in healing themselves. Know your limit and stick to it. I pushed it to far but I was young and thought I could provide 8 massages a day, 5 days a week, BAREFOOT. That alone tells you one of the reasons I am retired. Burn out is a real thing. Don't do it. 2. Educate your patients. Don't put your bossy pants on, they won't absorb what you say. Offer tips and tricks in releasing their shoulder. Recommend another modality, even if you don't practice it. The tennis ball trick was taught to me by a massage therapist 16 years ago and its the easiest go-to trick on my sciatica. Most clients now have diffusers in their homes but do they know what the combo of lavender and peppermint essential oil can do to the onset of a headache? Zap it, that's what. 3. Listen. Communication between the client and the therapist should be steady and flowing. Every client is different. What one clients 'frozen' shoulder needs might not be the same as another's 'high stressed computer job' shoulder. Listen with your hands. Yes, they are talking thru the tissue. When my LMT asks me what kind of massage I am looking for, most times I say, "Do your thing! My body will talk and in some spots, she is screaming." Be open to feedback. If the clients muscle reacted badly with the particular technique you used before, don't do it again. Hello. I've posted the dates for my first couple of workshops from my Healing With Reiki series! Level I and II are available! Classes are located at Bamboo Field NAET & Acupuncture and on Sundays. If you don't see a date that works for you, reach out!
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