10/18/2021 1 Comment Hunter's Moon~ Subtle ChangesThe Hunter's full moon is rising, yall. Check out the beautiful night sky on the 20th to view her in it's entirety! Anyone else get a little antsy or short as the full moon rises?? This is the first thing I realized years ago. I sleep horribly 2-3 nights leading up to the full moon and my patience runs thinner than my usual Taurus self. Once the full moon is up, I sleep soundly. That does not mean my dreams are any less vivid. Have you noticed any subtle changes in you when the Full Moon is here? Maybe it's easy to notice in your loved ones.
Now that October is here, the celestial skies are changing with the season. I am amazed at the slow orbit the earth has. You know who else is excited and amazed? William Shatner. To see the world through his eyes for one minute is just what we all need. Now some of you might be yawning, and that's ok! Check out the Moon Magic page for a simple cliff note version of this month's Full Moon on the 20th! Isn't it cool when you gaze up at the same spot all summer and now the moon is visible in a totally different place? Get's me every year. I know that moon was not in that spot last month. Which takes me to subtle changes. Just like the night sky, our lives change constantly. Especially these last couple of years. As my uncle would say, "Life Happens." For me, big changes are uncomfortable. Whether it's a good or a bad Big change, I get anxious. "It's always hard until it's not." That is a mantra I created last year. I recite it when things seem tough. Where was this mantra in my 20's? Could it be that as each year goes by, I am getting wiser? I should hope so. Think about how you react to those big, positive, good changes? Like a promotion or landing that dream job. A new baby or TWINS!? There's bound to be 'butterflies' and most likely a long list of 'to do's'. If you are like me, you have already started that list. Some people call it intuition. I like to call it manifestation and/or creation but whatever. My point is no matter what kind of change, it's uncomfortable because it puts us on the outside of the regular routine orbit of the night sky. So, with this most powerful Full Moon rising, what can you do to bring you back to center? How can you initiate awareness into your life when change is occurring? Here's my top 5. Pick 1 or all or none. I'm just glad you read this far!
1 Comment
Tamme Rae Marggraf
10/18/2021 04:19:09 pm
This reminds me of why I love you! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and joy!
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