6/20/2024 0 Comments June's Strawberry MoonSummer is setting in nicely here in Texas. I have been craving strawberries these last couple of weeks. I found that fresh strawberries are easy to find at the local farmers market and even our trusty HEB has fresh berries from Poteet.
As I've mentioned before, I am not an astrologist but an avid believer and researcher in all things celestial. I gather my information from many professional astrologers, spiritual websites, and tap into my own internal antenna. Animal medicine has been strong for me lately and just this AM, I encountered a turtle. Perfectly camouflaged to his surroundings but getting ready to embark on a journey across the street. Completely exposed and determined, he was going to conquer his fears. June's full moon is about perseverance and optimism. I might have helped him skip the dangerous part and assist him crossing the road but Fred was ready to embrace the unknown. With this moon being in Capricorn, we seek truth no matter what is ahead. Remember it is important to have protection and have shelter for our vulnerable soul no matter the journey ahead. It's ok to retreat, make a solid plan, and then charge ahead. All full moons have the power to assist you in letting go of things that no longer serve you. Write down what you are ready to purge. The universe is waiting with open arms to accept whatever it is that you need to release. There has been a lot of chaotic energy lately. A real build up of all the things has been steeping, Time to exhale! It's time. Write. Run. Sing. Scream. Jump in a body of water! Let it go baby!
2/1/2024 0 Comments Imbolc 2024Imbolc marks the beginning of the end of winter and one of the 8 holidays that make up the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. It's the perfect time to open every window and let the energy from the last couple of months clear out! The presence of flames is essential to this holiday so if you can't have a fire, light some candles.
1/24/2024 0 Comments January's Full MoonFull Moon sets on Thursday 1/25 at 11:54am Texas time. Time to let go and ditch the baggage of the past that is haunting you. Full moons are a time to release what no longer serves you and luckily we have one a month, sometimes 2, so take advantage of it! Purge, Release and Relinquish yall. Leo is all about self worth but highlights that need to set boundaries! Authenticity, fun, and community is important. Leo is generous and known for their bravery and spreading joy but with the sun in Aquarius and with Pluto's recent transition into Aquarius, there is shadow component with this full moon. This Wolf Moon has us focusing on not so much the "I" but the "WE". Emotional outbursts can be possible so make sure to use discernment with your time and energy when it comes to those you choose to spend your time with. Get physical to release this pent up energy like exercise, walking, or dancing. Remind yourself if you need to that attack is not the best form of defense. Take the time to release what you need including people that make you feel less than. With this being a new year, its a perfect time to reflect on what brings you joy and remember that the purest form of joy comes from simplicity. What are your strengths and what makes you shine bright like a diamond? Know your worth babies.
7/2/2023 0 Comments July's Full MoonJuly's Super moon is on the rise! July 3rd at 6:39am (Texas time). This particular moon is known as the Full buck moon b/c around this time male deer tend to shed their old antlers to make room for the new and improved set to come! As we have discussed before, the super moon just means it'll be bigger and brighter than usual. July's Super moon is on the rise! July 3rd at 6:39am (Texas time). This particular moon is known as the Full buck moon b/c around this time male deer tend to shed their old antlers to make room for the new and improved set to come! As we have discussed before, the super moon just means it'll be bigger and brighter than usual.
This full moon reminds us all of our own personal growth potential. It's time to conquer those goals! Clarity is coming. Get ready to finally check off some of those 'to do' lists once and for all. NOW is the time to make a conscious decision to release any blocks, spells, or curses for good. You have the power. Take the bolt cutters to those shackles around your wrists and ankles and liberate yourself. Trust your gut. It's important to focus all of your attention on your positive experiences and you will indeed attract more. Like Capricorn, stay away from the drama. You have free will, choose the light. Follow your bliss, joy, have hope!! Water is the answer and the reprieve we all need right now and it will be supercharged with this full moon. Dunk yourself in the ocean, the lake, river, pool, or even a kiddie pool in the backyard! Salt water baths with moon water can also be an option! Use the super charged water to remove the toxic energy and/or gunk that you have unknowingly absorbed. Release and recharge! Take care of your tender heart right now. We are in the sign of Cancer this month and emotions run high and heavy. Have heartfelt conversations with yourself, others, and who ever else you want! You are never alone. Lean on God, your angels, your guides, Spirit, whoever you turn to for comfort and support. 6/1/2023 0 Comments Reiki ShareAll are welcome! This is an opportunity for non-reiki practitioners to experience Reiki, gives Reiki practitioners the ability to practice and strengthen their craft, and provides healing for all! Feel free to reach out if you have questions!
4/30/2023 0 Comments April 30th, 2023![]() Beltane (Gaelic word translates into "bright fire") is 1 of the 4 earth festivals on the wheel of the year which that originated in Ireland and Scotland. May day marks the midpoint between the solar festivals and is celebrated on 5/1 and on 11/1 in the southern hemisphere. Its a wonderful time to celebrate growth and new beginnings. This festival celebrates the return of vitality, passion, & hopes. It symbolizes the union of God and Goddess. The story goes that the lovers were separated all winter and then reunited in Spring time. Ways to honor and celebrate:
![]() What a potent time yall! It is indeed different than all the others, I swear! Not only is it a Black New Moon in Aries but its also a hybrid Solar Eclipse. Whoa. Now unfortunately, if you are on my side of the world, you will not be able to view the eclipse but I know you feel it. So, what does it all mean??
3/18/2023 0 Comments Spring Equinox + New Moon![]() The Spring Equinox takes place on 3/20! Some of us know this as Ostara and it's gonna be powerful and influential! The new moon directly follows it the next day 3/21 and because of these and the recent planetary shifts, it's probably the most powerful New Moon we have had in a very long time, if at all in your lifetime! The Spring Equinox is a when the sun crosses the plane of the equator towards the relevant hemisphere. It's time to stretch your arms and legs, rub your sleepy eyes, and awaken from from hibernating. Most people can feel the shift this time of year and they start to get more energy and want to clear out the old! The recent time change supposedly helps with this but I do not support the disruption in my sleep cycle. Have you been feeling like your getting ramped up for something new? Have you been feeling a little restless? All normal vibes just as a daffodil lays dormant thru the winter then begins having rumblings of life when spring arrives. There is growth and a shift in her energy as she stretches out from her dark warm place in dirt. We are connected to all life. Planetary Changes:
So many are feeling the shifts of the multiple planets moving into signs that they have never been before in our lifetime! The age of Aquarius is here and there will be certainly a change of atmosphere in many sectors of our environment. Change is uncomfortable and as the planetary shifts happen (this is science guys, not new age false info) we will have to acclimate and shift parts of ourselves that no longer serve us or our community. ![]() Massage Therapy has been around for along time but has become more popular in the last 30 years. What used to be a luxury is now a necessity for some. Stress relief is one of the number 1 reasons people get a massage vs treating a physical ailment which says we are finally understanding how stress can wreck havoc on not only one's physical body but also the mental and emotional bodies. The ones that have incorporated massages into their monthly regime are finding they stay ahead of the chronic pain. They find their stress relief is crucial to managing a physical illness. The givers take care of everyone else but take that time to indulge in a massage so they can keep giving and keep helping. Massage Therapy promotes pain relief, stress relief, and gives a recharge that everyone needs. I was an LMT, a Licensed Massage Therapist for a little over 15 years. Please do not call us a 'Masseuse/Masseur'. Massage Therapist is preferred and not gender specific. I have a few tips for you newbies, oldies, or anyone in between. LMT's, I might have a few reminders for you too. |
June 2024
CategoriesAll 21 Day Purification Program 21-day Purification Program Absorb Others Energy Acupuncture Affirmations Alternative Healing Approved Provider Austin Texas Autumn Autumn Equinox Awakening Awakening Symptoms Bamboo Field Acupuncture & Herb Benefits Of Reiki Be Well Blocks Brigid Caffeine Free CEC Chakra Chakras Chinese New Year Classes Cleanse Clear Space Community Continuing Education Credits Cupids Arrow Dairy Free Decide To Rise Detox Divine Timing Eat Well Emotional Trauma Empath Epsom Salt Evolove Evolve Evolving Evolving Symptoms Fall Rituals Family Feel To Heal Feng Shui Friends Get Away From Hustle And Bustle Give Goals Goddess Green Eating Halloween Hallow's Eve Heal Healing Healing With Reiki Healthy Eating History Of Halloween Holiday Tips Honey Garlic Salmon Imbolc Intuitive Healing July's Full Moon 2017 Leslie Lee Let Go Level I Level II Lightworkers Liminal Space Love Love Is All You Need Love Is The Answer Love Songs Love Yourself Mabon Managing Holiday Stress Massage Master Class Megumi Mind Body Spirit Music Nature Walks NCBTMB Need A Recharge Need A Reset Austin Texas New Moon New Year New You North Austin Number 21 Nutrient-rich Foods Organic Food Overwhelmed Peace Pendulum Phoenix Rising Post Reiki Receiving A Reiki Session Recharge Recieve Reflexology Reiki Reiki By Leslie Reiki CEU's Reiki Class Reiki Healing Reiki In Austin Reiki Level III Reiki Master Austin Texas Reiki Master Class Reiki Master Leslie Lee Reiki Services Reiki Special Reiki Special Austin Texas Reiki Testimonials Reiki Treatment Austin Texas Reiki Workshop Reiki Workshop In Austin Texas Relaxation Relief From Depression Samhain Sandy Sensitivity To Sounds Smudge Spa Day Spiritual Evolution Spiritual Healing Spread The Love Spring Break Special Standard Process Stress Management Stress Relief Supplements Taurus Teacher Workshop Tips For Valentines Day Tips For Vday Transistions Valentines Day Valentines Day Songs Vitamins Weightloss Weight Loss What Happens During A Reiki Session What To Expect When Getting Reiki Workshop |